Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Very Good...Very Different Ash Wednesday

Every year has always been the same: Mass with the family, ashes on the forehead, Lent begins. This year, however, has been different.....almost comical yet very good. I began the day like any other, except eating wasn't really an, toast, vitamins. That is it. I made my list of resolutions/sacrifices/things to work on a few days ago so I knew exactly how THAT was going to go. The morning was normal. My afternoon is what kicked off the day:

1:00pm bible study - I won a book from the fair last summer and it was from the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Fargo. A woman stopped by in late October to drop it off and invited me to do a weekly bible study with her. I stated very clearly that I was very happily catholic, but would love to do a bible study. We've been studying every week since and have become pretty good friends in the process. We have a lot in, farm living, homemaking, etc.

3:30pm Mass at St John's Catholic Church

5:45pm supper and fellowship at the Lutheran church - some friends of ours here have been wanting us to meet the new pastor and his wife. They are young and new to the area and our friends thought we'd really like them. TRUE! They are really nice!

So....7th Day Adventist bible study, Catholic mass, socialize with the Lutheran pastor and his wife. Anybody know any mormons around here? ;-)


  1. wow Theresa you are so cool! I love your openness to those around you!

  2. We've only been in this little town for a little over a year and we know very few people. The comidy in it for me is that I've been praying to find good friends here with similar priorities (faith, family, morals, etc). And when the Catholic churches have activities or suppers or something they always seem to land on days when we are unable to attend or something comes up where we can't go. So it has been hard to "get involved" in our own parish. But who says friends have to be of the same faith, right? I'm realizing that more and more. Anchored in our Catholic faith but finding a common ground and true friendship with others outside of it. Very humbling. Very informative. Very GOOD.
