Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Corners Of Our Life

I've been trying to make the sometimes valiant effort of returning order to our home before going to bed at night. This means making sure the kids pick up toys before bed, cleaning up the kitchen immediately after every meal, vacuuming and sweeping every single night after the kids go to bed. I must say...I had forgotten just how much floor space we have in our house! ;-)

I love waking up to a clean kitchen and an empty counter. I feel like I can conquer anything (at 5:30am)!

My very favorite spot right now in our house is Yvette's room. So pieced together, but so so so inviting. John's little sister Ann made the quilt for a wedding gift. I made the afghan for John for his birthday. And the rocking chair was my great grammy's. This corner of our house means a lot to me. I sit in there and I can almost physically feel a hug!


  1. I love your home! Smells like pie!

  2. It does?! ;-) I like to bake.

    I LOVE our home too. It is so simple, so old, and SO "farmhouse". We're making little changes here and there like paint and such, but otherwise I like it just the way it is: old, warm, noisy, and simple.

    It IS home.
