Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tuesdays With Him

It has been on my heart to organize some sort of bible study or mom's group or something. But honestly the thought of hosting/leading anything like that is very overwhelming for me at this point. John's work schedule is so crazy and the kids are a handful. That responsibility would make me nutty I think. SO, to satisfy this little voice in my heart and to feed my own need for greater depth in my spiritual life, I am going to "lead" an online bible study.

I thought that doing this during lent would be an especially good thing (for me) as I do need a lenten resolution of sorts and I'm not really a fan of "giving up" something. That usually doesn't work for me. So instead I try to add something GOOD......more frequent sacraments, extra minutes of prayer each day, read a particular spiritual book, etc. This lent I'll be "studying". I am going to use Stacy Mitch's Courageous Women. It is a study of the heroines of the Old Testament: Ruth, Esther, Jael, Hannah, etc. Paging through it, it looks really great! And I haven't done much reading of the Old Testament. So this will be good. I had purchased a bunch of these books a few years ago because I did actually have a small group lined up to study it, but everyone backed out. Yup. Everyone. And NOBODY paid in advance. Very frustrating. SO....if you are interested in joining me, let me know and I can send you a copy. I'm asking $10 (this includes shipping) via paypal or postal mail.

I will post a couple discussion points and a couple of my own insights/reflections and hope that you all would share as well.

Every Tuesday beginning February 23rd. HERE.

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