Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cheating or Crafty?

I have a confession. I read. I "read" a lot. I've "read" 5 books so far this year.

I am IN LOVE with audiobooks. Seriously!....the best invention since.....since.....Nintendo! ;-) I've never been a huge Nintendo player for the simple reason that once I get started on something like that I know without a doubt I'd be addicted to it. Hence the comparison. For a long time I didn't listen to the audiobooks. I thought it was cheating. I thought I was choosing the easy way. I thought this until Wyatt was born. When he was born I was in the middle of reading the (very addicting) Twilight series. I didn't mind nursing him as often as possible for as long as he wanted because it was my excuse to read. But there was a conflict. I rekindled my love for reading at the same time I developed a passionate relationship with knitting. I couldn't do both. Until........

John had asked me to look into some audiobooks he could listen to while driving, working out in the garage, etc. He didn't have time to sit down for hours on end to read, but he so wanted to. This got me thinking.....hmmm.....

Is it REALLY cheating? Can I still say I "read" a particular book?

Yes. Yes. Yes. AS LONG AS it is the unabridged version.

Feeding both loves at the same time is incredibly........satisfying.


  1. Hey Theresa. Just wanted to say hello here. I would have commented on your other blog where you were "requesting" comments but it won't let me ... even annonymously. So, just know that I love both your blogs and I anxiously await your new updates. :)

  2. THANKS Steph! How is the "bun"? I'm waiting to hear of his/her arrival. I think it is a boy. And you'll go for about 1 more week.

    I'm praying for you. I have afghan mini for you. I'll get it in the mail one of these days. ;-)

    Take care and thanks for the comment love!
