Friday, January 20, 2012

Baby Balooga

A few weeks ago I graduated from the "oh cute, she's obviously pregnant" stage to getting that look from women that says, "oh gosh...she's probably due pretty soon look how uncomfortable she must be" stage. You know, that look of pity and understanding wrapping into one. It's humbling, but I'm getting used to it. Truth is, aside from the fact that I don't sleep much, I feel pretty decent. Fatter. Slower. Exhausted. But for the most part pretty good.

I've noticed a trend in my pregnancies and I'm wondering if other women experience it also. For most women, the first trimester is plagued with some level of sickness. Mine, not so much. For most women, the second trimester is blessed with some level of energy and nesting. Mine, not so much. Now what I am wondering is the prego trend for the third trimester. It's been a while since I've read the What To Expect When Your Expecting books. You'd think I'd have some idea. But really, all I know is what seems to be the norm for me. And that is NO SLEEP. And it isn't just that I can't get comfortable at this point. Because really, I CAN.....sometimes. And it isn't so much that I have to get up to pee every 30 minutes because really I only get up to use the bathroom about once MAYBE twice at night at this point. What happens with me is I wake up every 1 1/2 - 2 hours and I go downstairs and sit by the fire for about 20 minutes and then go back to bed. And then during the day I snooze for a little while on the couch in the morning or afternoon. Sound familiar? Like my body is instinctively conditioning itself (a bit early) for those feedings/changings during the night. It has happened with each one of my pregnancies. Anyone else experience that? Maybe that's a stupid question, but I never really hear people talk about it.

Anyway, I suppose I don't really have a point with this post. Oh well.

9 weeks to go...

not that i'm counting or anything.....

1 comment:

  1. Not that you're counting--HA HA!

    I call the third trimester "survival mode." I'm moody, want to sleep/don't want to sleep, have occasional energy spurts, and otherwise want to just do nothing! It's an odd time!
