Tuesday, March 1, 2011


There is just something about children's books that is refreshing, goofy, and invites the reader to retreat from reality if only for a short time. I've always loved children's books. It is usually the first section I head towards when entering Barnes and Noble or the local library. Story books are actually the very first thing I purchased when I found out I was pregnant with Hayden. Books are one of the first gifts we give to new members of the family. I value them and I pray that this is transmitted to my children.
There are a handful of stories I loved when I was a child. In fact, I can still hear them being read to our class during library time. I had the most wonderful librarian as a child, Ms. Weide. I think this love of books came from her. Oh how she could read a story and make it come alive!
I don't have much more to say one the subject. I suppose it is a blog topic because my daughter has the same stack of books by the chair for the past 2 weeks and asks me multiple times a day to read them to her.
Just a very few of my favorites....

Give a Mouse A Cookie
I'll Love You Forever
Polar Express
The Napping House
King Bidgoods In The Bathtub
Heckedy Peg
The Relatives Came
The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, And The Big Hungry Bear
The Real Story of the Three Little Pigs
Curious George books
Bernstein Bears books
Amelia Bedlia books
Llama Llama books
Olivia The Pig
Silly Sally
.....and so many many more

What are some of your favorite stories from your childhood? and/or what are some of your children's favorites now?


  1. I always loved "Are You My Mother?" and I still do. I love doing the voices for it - especially the "SNORT" from the big machine! And I'm a sucker for happy endings. :)

  2. Oh yes....I can't believe that go at the top of the list. My youngest calls the book "Snort".
