Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Our Tax Dollars Hard At Work

So there is a popular survey going around Facebook right now about "defunding" Planned Parenthood. Not surprisingly, a lot of people say NO. And a good number of my friends on Facebook say NO. I'm sometimes surprised by who these people are but then I consider the fact that all of them (so far) are without children....NOT parents yet. Interesting isn't it? Consider those who are not parents yet.....

*They haven't felt growing life inside their body or witnessed it in the person they hold dearest to their hearts.
*They haven't heard the sound of a tiny heartbeat coming from a growing tummy.
*They haven't seen the obvious proof of life that an ultrasound gives.
*They haven't felt the rolling, fluttering, and sometimes painful kicks of a baby shifting to find more room in the womb.

*They haven't felt or experienced the bittersweetness of labor.
*They haven't witnessed the miracle of childbirth......of THEIR OWN child coming into the world.
*They haven't fallen so much in love with a tiny human being that they'd risk everything for him/her.
*They haven't opened themselves to the joys and sacrifices of parenthood.

And I almost feel sorry for people like that. Because not only have they NOT experienced all those things, they THINK that it's okay to snuff it out. They think that it's okay for women to CHOOSE to not be pregnant even though they already are. They think it's okay to KILL this life inside of them.

I challenge those people to sit through this video. I challenge those people who are prolife to sit through this video. I will warn you that it is quite honestly the most horrific clip I have ever seen. However, it has confirmed what I have been fighting for since before I could vote. LIFE.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for re-posting, Theresa--a haunting video I never want to see again. Your post says so much. It's hard to convince people of the preciousness of life...maybe the only way is to show them the violence of death in the womb.
