Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Ever been so beyond frustrated that it seems there is no way back? That's me. Right this second. It is silly really and pretty small to be frustrated over and I'm sure it will pass once I get over my pity party tantrum. But right now I'm wallowing. It is the middle of the afternoon on a snow day. A day when the birds should be chirping and the sun should be out and the snow should be continuing to melt. That's how the weather has been. But today...yesterday actually, the Good Lord decided He needed a laugh and plagued the midwest with a blizzard! Inches of fresh HEAVY snow are now covering the blades of grass that were trying to grace us with their presence. Not funny from down here!

Because of the weather school was canceled and my 5 year old son doesn't know what to do. He LOVES school and looks forward to it every other day. And this morning when he woke up from his late morning slumber he asks, "Mom?...what about school?" The poor kids was heartbroken and completely displaced when I told him there was no school today because of the snow. "Stinking snow!" he says. My thoughts exactly.

And right this second there is a 3 yr old girl whining in her bed that she isn't tired and doesn't need a nap. She does. Believe me. She NEEDS her naps otherwise come 5:00 she is so crabby and tired no one wants to be around her. Her current whining is about to wake up an overtired 2 yr old who REALLY needs his naps or he will make EVERYONE miserable with his crying.

Said displaced 5 yr old seems to think that mom needs to be at his beckon call all day. "Mom, I'm hungry." "Mom, can we play my games?" "Mom, the kitty fishing pole is very stuck." "Mom, I'm hungry." "Mom, I'm thirsty." "Mom, can you sit with me?" "Mom...Mom....Mom....MOM MOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOM."
Well, you get the idea.

All I want is 20 minutes of uninterrupted time to breathe and collect my thoughts. Apparently today that is too much to ask for. And so I will go tend to my littles and dream about bedtime tonight. Yes, once the kids are in bed I will have my silence. Once the kids are in bed......

6 hours and counting......


  1. The kid thinks your 3 THOUSAND years old! Tell him old ladies need their peace and quiet! In all seriousness though (((hugs))) praying for your sanity this day. :)

  2. I understand!!!! I definitely get the whole "5" thing, too, even though mine isn't quite there yet. I can't believe how demanding they can be sometimes, especially when I KNOW he is capable of entertaining himself. This winter is going on and on, it's definitely not showing the best side of the kids OR me these days. I wish we could have playdates on days like these...
