Tuesday, March 22, 2011

From The Mouths Of Babes...

Hayden: "Mom, how old are you?"

John: (with a smirky smile) "She's ooold."

Hayden: "But Mom, HOW old?"

Knowing that Hayden can't count higher than 21 or 23 I respond confidently, "Hayden, think of the highest number you can count to and that's how old I am."

Hayden's eyes got big and he dropped the art project he was working on, "WOW Mom! You mean you are 3000?!"

I'm pulling him from the private pre-school he is currently enrolled in. I mean, COME ON!....what pre-schooler can count to 3000?! ;-)

John still laughs about this.

I'm crushed.

1 comment:

  1. Funny! And...Happy Birthday! I missed it on FB, but wanted to wish you happy day! I hope it was wonderful and that you enjoy your dancing lessons!!!!!
