Saturday, April 24, 2010

We Went For 3 And Came Home With 5

I posted a while back about our desire to have a hobby farm and our intent to purchase some alpacas. Well....we did it. This past week, John and I drove out to Montana to visit some wonderful new acquaintances Sarah and James Budd from Alpacas of Montana Ranch. Our intent was to bring home 3 alpacas that we have been looking at. We got there and were presented with a rather large (in number not price) package deal. It was hard to pass up. So we took it. We are now the proud owners of 5....YES 5 huacaya alpacas.

left to right: Luigi, Chester, Frederico (in front), Ike (black), Bonanza (in the back)

What the heck are we going to do with 5 alpacas, you say.

??? What do you think? ;-)

p.s. leave a comment with some suggestions and I just might make you something. ;-)


  1. they are so cute! congrats hun!! i'm really excited for you (and kind of jealous too!) maybe some time i can bring the boys out to see them?

  2. ABSOLUTELY!!!! Come on out! We'd LOVE visitors! They are so funny Kristen, you'd get a kick out of watching them. And they are super friendly especially with kids.

  3. oh my goodness!! they look adorable!!! how fun!!! congratulations!! Jen m.

  4. Awesome! They are so cute! I am sure all 5 will be a blessing to many!

  5. Ok they are the cutest!Can we come to visit too? How do you make the wool into yarn?

  6. Celina, we have them shorn...sheared...not sure the proper tense of it.....ANYWAY, then we send the fleece off to a fiber mill and they send it back as yarn. Most likely we'll sell it. I've already got a few yarn shops who are interested. Alpaca fiber feels like silk only it is breathable, stretchy, and twice as warm as sheep's wool.

  7. This looks like so much fun! We have the land to have animals, yet have nothing. Maybe someday...if only I wasn't allergic to everything!

  8. would it be cool enough for florida weather?

  9. celina, these guys originated in south america. i think they could handle florida. ;-)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Very exciting! The more the merrier right? :) I read Loren your plan with the wool for yarn and he said "oh she can spin that herself I think ... no need to send it out". Then I said "oh yeah in all her spare time with the kids and house and etc." ... then I just looked at him ... you know how we can look with that "do you have any idea what women do!" look? And he didn't say another word. Ha. But really, we think that is super exciting. And how cool that you are an amazing knitter huh? You can make some "fresh from the farm" knitted goodies. :)

  12. Steph, isn't it great that our men just think we are super women and are capable of the impossible? so flattering.......most of the time. ;-)
    i DO know how to spin, however.....our goal is to have the animals pay for themselves right away. milling the fiber and selling the yarn will make a close 60% profit for us. PLUS it gives us some time this year to get to know them, learn how to spin better, research the market a little bit more, etc. John wants me to spin every ounce of their fleece.....because i do have so much extra time. really?.....john and loren are of the same mold i think. ;-)

  13. Oh my goodness, now I know why I haven't heard from you! What FUN. They are adorable, wished we lived closer so my kids could come see them in real life.

    Enjoy your new venture.
