Sunday, April 25, 2010

I Am A Prairie Girl

I've done some traveling. Not much comparable to most people nowadays, but I have seen many different places. However, in preparing to drive to Montana I found the excitement growing. I had never seen the mountains. I've flown over them, but never stopped to LOOK....never driven through. Heck, I had never gone farther west (by car) than the western boarder of Minnesota. I was excited. I was also prepared to absolutely LOVE the them so much I just might want to find some way to move there.....find some possibility of making a life there. This was my thinking before even beginning our trip.

Again, I've grown up on the breathtaking beauty of the Minnesota lakes and seasons.

I've spent months by the ocean listening to the soothing sounds of the waves and winds as they hit the shore. I've traveled to Europe and witnessed the historic wonders of ancient Italy. And now I've seen the grandiose magnificance of the Montana Rockies.

But none of those....NONE of those stands close to the contentment and peace I find in the wide open prairies of the Dakotas. I know....many of you are thinking, "what???!...." There isn't anything particularly extraordinary about the prairie. And for many there probably isn't anything beautiful about them. But to me, there is a glorious peace and freedom in the open space......just land for as far as the eye can see.....nothing scary or threatening about it. Just land.....and wind......and sky. Yes. I DO love it here. The mountains and lakes and ocean and Europe....they are all beautiful and exquisite in their own way. But the prairie is where my heart is....the prairie is where my peace, contentment, freedom, and HOME are.


  1. I could never describe it to people either except to say that I can "breathe" better the view is one, big, deep, relaxing breath. :-) Maybe I'm just a claustrophobic at heart...

  2. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time in Montana! I've never been there, so I'll have to take your word for it. That would be a great place to take a trip, or even drive through on my way out to the West Coast!
