Friday, September 30, 2011

Supper Tonight and Some Funny

Have I mentioned how much I love the fact that most of our staple foods are grown from our own little farm or another family member's farm? LOVE this! Love. It is both consoling and satisfying knowing that our food is grown in good soil, lovingly taken care of, harvested by eager loving hands, and passed to family and friends that appreciate good food. Is there anything more satisfying? Well...probably, but at this moment, as I am smelling apple crisp pulled from the oven, chicken in the rotisserie, roasting seasoned potatoes, and sweet corn warming on the stove, I honestly can't think of anything more satisfying to this hungry pregnant woman than sitting down with my whole family and enjoying such a feast. Everything is homegrown. Everything. *sigh* YUM.

(I'd take a picture, but I still can't find my battery charger for the camera)

OH. And this little tidbit was funny. I was reading a friend's blog and came across this picture.....

Yvette squeals as she says, "Mom! know who that looks like?!"

"Who Yvette?" I'm thinking she doesn't really know anybody that looks like this cute old man.

"It looks like my Daddy!....just like my Daddy!"

*hmmm. Don't know where she got that one. But it was funny.

John can't ever know. ;-)


  1. I'm trying hard not to be jealous! I'd love to grow my own food, but at the moment, I don't have the property to do so! Someday! Thanks for keeping me wishing!

    I'm currently house/dogsitting for a lovely couple for the week. It's amazing to have a change of scenery and access to all the classic cookbooks. Do you wonder what I'll be up to during Edmund's naps? :)

    By the way, have you ever tried the baked lemon pasta from Pioneer Woman? AMAZING. We seriously eat it every week now. Best thing ever.

  2. Pioneer Woman's recipes are tried and true. She's fantastic! I think I love her recipes so much because they AREN'T fat free or weak (not to say fatfree is weak...but sometimes butter is just an essential!)and the ingredients are usually one I'd buy anyway.
