Sunday, September 18, 2011

What's On Your Shelf?

I’ve never been a huge reader. Not really anyway. Sure the occasional novel has drawn me in to the point where I get a little obsessed until I am done with it. But for the most part, reading just hasn’t been my “thing”. That is until a couple years ago. It was like all of a sudden I had this grand appreciation for the library and every single possibility in it. There were a couple months where I’d go through a novel or two a week. I’d walk through the fiction isles and grab titles that caught my eye. Some were decent, some really stunk, and some I read twice before returning. I’ve done the audio books also, which I think are God’s gift to busy moms! Wow. Talk about multitasking. I can fold laundry and enjoy an audio book. Drive and enjoy an audio book. KNIT and enjoy an audio book. Yup, those audio books are great. But for the most part I really appreciate cracking open a good book (both fiction and nonfiction alike), snuggling down under the covers or curled up on the couch and losing myself within the pages. A sweet escape.

At this moment I don’t really have anything too exciting on my book stack, but they are good ones.

Woman First, Family Always by Kathryn Sansone
An inspirational book written by a woman with 10 children

The Strong Willed Child by Dr James Dobson
Anybody who knows my Wyatt would smile at the fact that this book has been on my shelf for many months. I think this is the 3 time I’ve read through it hoping to use more details. He’s good, Dr Dobson. He’s very good.

One Thousand Blessings by Ann Voskamp
Such a beautiful reflection of life’s simple moments. Ms Voskamp has an almost poetic way of seeing the ordinary and in turn thanking the Good Lord for all things. “All is grace.”

Strangers and Sojourners by Michael Obrien
I’ve read his books so many times since high school and have fallen more in love with the stories and characters each time I read them. Mr Obrien writes of ordinary people, their relationships with each other, and a simple extraordinary faith in God. A must read….over and over again. Perhaps the only series just about everyone in my family appreciates equally. Which says a lot, as we are all very very very different in our preferences.

Chosen and Cherished by Kimberly Hahn
A catholic bible study written by a former protestant minister’s wife. I love the passion and appreciation of the scriptures that converts bring. Something I feel most catholics lack. Ms Hahn covers the first parts of Proverbs 31. Love this!

What is on your shelf? Anything good? Anything worth recommending? I like anything that has some meat to it. And of course the occasional Twilight novel. Yup, I caved and have read the series a couple times these past 4 years. Is that embarrassing? I feel like it probably should be, but am finding that losts of people are closet Twilight fans.
Whatever. I own them. Guilty tweeny pleasure I guess.

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