Friday, September 23, 2011

"All Is Grace"

translation: face (left) body (right)

There you have it. Pregnant again. Though we were a little surprised that it happened right away after miscarrying. I mean, it took months to conceive our little angel Lyla Jayne. We are happy and oh-so excited to welcome another member into our family. We decided not to make any sort of grand announcement this time around as we did have some concerning times during the first couple months.
Wanna hear a sweet grace from God? In early August I began to experience some fairly serious spotting, though I didn’t necessarily have the cramps to go along with it. I was terrified! I called my doctor and discussed with him what was going on. I really didn’t want to go into the clinic only to be told (again) what I didn’t want to hear but might already know. He, being the amazingly compassionate man that he is, suggested that I rest, try to relax, and we won’t make any assumptions for a couple weeks. The lack of cramping was what gave us the slightest bit of hope and deterred any scheduling of a D&C. We’ll make a decision at 10 weeks. I waited, prayed, rested, and tried to keep a positive outlook though I cannot tell you how difficult it was having just gone through a miscarriage. The days passed and my appointment day finally arrived. I was so nervous and scared!
Tears flooded my eyes has I lay there listening to the strong, steady, rapid heartbeat of my little baby still growing inside me. Grace.

“All is grace.” - Ann Voskamp from One Thousand Blessings

Why the scare? We aren’t entirely certain though the beginning of August was a fairly stressful time for me. That is the only thing we could think of: stress.
Needless to say, we are determined to try to stay stress-free and happy for the duration of this pregnancy. Is that too much to strive for? Maybe. But so far it seems to be a bit happier around here. At least for me. Knowing my baby is happy, healthy, growing, and KICKING me! My husband is content and proud that his brood is growing once again. ;-) The kids are excited about their new baby coming.

Hayden says to me this morning on the drive to school, “Mom. What are we going to name the baby in your tummy?”

“I’m not sure Hayden. Do you have any suggestions?”

“Yeah! How about Lightening McQueen?”

“Hayden. Really? Lightening McQueen?”

“Yeah, Mom. I like that name,” he says in total earnest.

“Well, how about you talk to your dad about that,” was the only reply I could think of without totally rejecting the idea and/or laughing. He was serious. So I think perhaps it requires some discussion before tossing the idea. Hey, maybe he can nickname the baby Lightening McQueen until it comes out. I could handle that. And he might settle for that idea.

Kids. Is there anything better than their innocence? I honestly can’t think of anything.

p.s. I am due on March 19th. What a wonderful birthday gift that would be!

1 comment:

  1. Eagan wanted to name Gwendolyn "Sally the Sports Car" if she was a girl. or "Diago" if he was a boy. :) Congrats hun. I am so excited for you guys. What a blessing.
