Saturday, May 28, 2011


We've been so busy! Spring on a developing farm can get kinda crazy especially when the #1 farmer decides to take insane amounts of overtime at his day job. It's okay. We discussed it months ago and agreed that if he was up for it, in the end the check would be nice. But no more overtime for a while. John worked at least 1 sometimes 2 extra days a week for the entire month of May and on Monday he starts almost an entire month of vacation (with a few days of work here and there). Needless to say, I.CAN"T.WAIT.

But during these past couple weeks we've adapted to Fiona, prepared and planted most of the garden (except the tomatoes), prepared and plant a little wildflower garden for Yvette, cleaned up the yard...once (though it looks like it could use it again), tried to soak up some quality time with Daddy, hosted several weekends full of guests, finished up the school year, and I am working on a rather large project that seems to be making steady strides forward. It has been a full month....a good month.

Next month starts out with 9 days of vacation for John. 9 days of projects, family time, chicken coop building, late night movies and bonfires. Then the weekend he works is the weekend my oldest brother is moving in with us. Then 8 more days of vacation after that which includes 5 days of insanity and fun with my two nieces. Last year we took Isabell and Abby for 5 days just for fun. It worked out so well that we are hoping to make it an annual thing right around Father's Day so we can do something in honor of Stephen. Last year they planted an apple tree for their dad. Isabell said she even remembers him loving applesauce so much he put it on his ice cream once. We thought an apple tree would be appropriate. This year John wants to make bird houses with them and then let them paint them any color(s) they want. I really like that idea. And then it's something they can take home with them.
After Isabell and Abby's stay, John heads back to work to finish off the month. Then July hits with several family birthday's every anniversaries....death anniversaries....and at the end of the month we head out to Montana to pick up a couple more alpaca.....PREGO females! :-) We are so excited! August winds down the summer and we hope to welcome a few goats during that month. School starts in September. And things DON"T slow down until the snow comes again. EEK.

We have a busy summer ahead and I'm trying really hard to maintain some order and a schedule. Anybody else have issues with time management? Yeah. I'm not so good at it. I realize it is my biggest obstacle and I know what I have to do to make positive strides in the right direction....but it's SO HARD! Anyway, I am thinking of taking a break from all things internet (except the blog) for the summer to help combat my difficulty. I find myself wasting time just surfing, reading forum posts, messaging friends whom I could just call instead, peeking into people's lives on Facebook, or whatever. It always seems necessary in the moment but then 5-10-25-45 minutes pass when I could have been working on a project or planting the rest of the garden or spending time with my husband and kids. I really don't want to be that person that lives more online than off....whose days or hours revolve around updates or phone notifications of emails or facebook messages. I catch myself sometimes. But John is quick to remind me of what I miss out on.

Guess that was a kinda random thought for this post. Whatever. It was on my mind.

Here's to a busy...happy...and exciting summer ahead.

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