Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No Secrets

Whenever I head back to my parents' house for a visit I ask if I can bring anything.
"Cookies." My parents never share the cookies I bring them. At Easter time I asked my mother how many batches of cookies I should make (there was a party we were going to). She told me "One. We're not sharing. I'll make something simple to bring."
Whenever someone does something kind for us John's first thought is, "Theresa, make him/her a batch of cookies please." Or if there is a potluck I am always asked to bring my cookies. One of my brothers gets sick if he eats chocolate (sad, I know) but he will risk the sickness for my cookies.
"What could possibly be so special about her cookies?" You ask.
And the answer is, "I have no idea."
I've thought about not sharing the recipe. But then that would imply that it was something secret or exclusive when it isn't. I got the recipe from a Betty Crocker Cookbook (Bridal Edition). I tweaked it a little. There are 2 little tiny "secrets" that I do for the recipe. I've decided to share them. After all, shouldn't everyone have access and know how of such yumminess? Really, I love that everyone seems to drool over these cookies. I love that something as simple as chocolate chip cookies can bring such momentary happiness.

1c. butter
3/4c brown sugar
3/4c white sugar
1 egg
1tsp baking soda
1/2tsp salt
1tsp vanilla
2 1/4c flour
1 bag chocolate chips

cook at 375 degrees for 12-14 minutes

That's it. Nothing special. Now, the two things I do to this recipe are:

1. use BUTTER. Use salted sweetcream butter. I like Crystal Farms.
2. add 1/2 tsp of almond extract. It brings out a richness in the cookies.

The dough might look clumpy or you might think it needs water or something. Don't Do It. It will ruin the cookies. These cookies are rich and thick and oh so yummy. I've made them a million bazillion times and haven't changed a thing. This recipe is tried and true.

OH....don't forget the LOVE. Love makes every single thing so much better.

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