Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Relief

My relief after two weeks of sickness and quarantine, snotty noses, medicine bottles, late nights, early mornings, and loads of coffee........ mother's slush...something I never thought I'd openly share, though she has said it is NO SECRET. So here goes...I hope it brings you as much "happiness" as it has brought me. ;-)

Diane's Famous Slush
7-9 Lipton Tea bags (brewed for 30+ minutes in 2c. boiling water)
1 can frozen Orange Juice concentrate
1 can frozen Lemonade concentrate
2c. brandy
5c. water (in addition to the 2c used for brewing)
*mix together in an ice cream pale...throw in the freezer and you'll have delicious slush in 24 hours.
*scoop into glass and pour your preferred citrus soda on top (7-up, Sprite, Fresca, Squirt, Sierra Mist, etc)
*I like to stir it a couple times as it is freezing so things don't settle....


  1. um...if I remember right the recipe you gave me has 3 cups of brandy but the same amount of water....and I usualy put in 4 cups of brandy just to give it a little "kick" that bad??? :-)

  2. NOT AT ALL!!! The more the "merrier"!! ;-)
