Thursday, June 3, 2010

Things Go Wrong For A Reason (sometimes)

I have been looking forward to this upcoming weekend for close to 2 months. In the middle of April when things were pretty nutty for us, my husband promised that once things settled down for a bit that he would take the kids to his parents for a long weekend so I could get some much needed organizing and cleaning done before the summer started. PLUS his parents had been really wanting to spend some quality time with the kids. Perfect. John picked the first weekend in June....Friday morning through Monday morning he would be gone. Once the decision was made for that weekend I felt I could take on the world knowing a whole weekend would me mine and mine alone in the near future. For you moms out there, you know what I'm talking about. Even a few hours of being alone is like gold!
A week ago one of my brothers got a job offer out here and so he is now moving in with us for a little while until he gets his feet on the ground again. We are excited. It will be a fantastic move for him and we are so happy to be able to help him in whatever way we can. BUT that means some major moving and rearranging, packing and shifting to open up our extra bedroom for him. We've been using it as a "hobby room". It's messy. Lots of work needed.
Jump ahead to today. Hayden, our oldest, is sick. He is so the point to delusions. Puking, so weak he can hardly stand, sleeping all day, only drinking water and gaterade, wimpering and squirming in his sleep. He's miserable. John and I are beside ourselves. We know it will pass. He will get better. But these moments, these long long long moments of helplessness are crippling for us as parents. When all we can do is hold the bucket and rock him. All we can do is love him. I wish that were enough to make all the ickiness go away. My sweet boy, please oh please get better! I want you to have that time with Grampa on the tractor and running with the chickens. I want you to be yourself kind and intuitive, boyish and fun, smiley and goofy.
John's weekend away with the kids is shot. My weekend of quiet and much needed focus is shot. Why does this seem to always happen? A huge wrench in our wonderful peaceful plans that seem to be just what everyone needs?! Perhaps we need some bonding time as a family. Perhaps John and I need to just be satisfied with chaos right now. Perhaps the kids need us and more of our focused attention more than a weekend with Granny and Gramps. Perhaps we just need to throw our plans to the wayside and let the Good Lord take the lead again. Perhaps.
And so now I am off to the clinic.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Theresa, you write beautiful posts...just as you are a beautiful wife and mother. I will be praying so hard for Hayden and offering my daily Masses for him. May God bless you and John during this tough time and may you be given many graces. I pray our Mother Mary holds all of you in her arms so that you may find comfort and peace.
