Friday, June 4, 2010

Miracle DO Happen

Just 24 hours ago we were faced with the most devestating news a parents could ever receive - aside from death itself . Our Hayden was literally fighting for his life against a disease they saw to be HLH. There were many tests that needed to be done and the results could not be completely confirmed until a bone marrow sample was taken. They couldn't take this right away because Hayden's blood levels were toxically low. But from what they saw under the microscope they assumed it to be HLH and would thus proceed with very agressive treatment (HLH is a severely aggressive disease and could kill him if not treated right away). So that was the plan. Build his blood levels up for a bone marrow test this morning followed by a chemotherapy drug (along with 2 others). They assumed they would find HLH. However, the little fighter's body began producing a good antibody that has not been linked to any HLH cases which made them think that maybe it wasn't HLH and it could be a form of anemia. Again, the bone marrow test would confirm either way. Our hopes were lifted with this news.

Hayden underwent a little procedure this morning and the tests have come back negative for HLH and positive for anemia. PRAISE GOD. He is being transfered (as we speak) out of the PICU and into a regular peds room where they will begin his treatment, monitor his progress, and hopefully discharge him before the end of next week.

I cannot even express my gratitude to God for this ginormous miracle he has granted our family. And I know with every fiber of my being that it is exactly that.......a MIRACLE. Hayden was dying. I held his limp unresponsive body in my arms, I saw his blood levels, and I heard from the doctors what that all could mean. He was fighting. And all we could do was pray and love. I want to thank everyone for all those prayers that stormed the gates of heaven. Because of them, because of the mercy and love of Our Lord, because of our love for Hayden, and because of the fantastic knowledge of several doctors, Hayden is here and safe and alert and WILL GET WELL again.

Thank you. With all of my heart, thank you.


  1. That is AWESOME news Theresa!!
    We love you all so much!

  2. Thanks be to God!

  3. Hayden and all of you have constantly been in my thoughts and prayers since we heard the news. I am crying right now, what awesome news!! Thank you God and all the saints that interceded for this brave little boy!!! Still praying he fights this and can come home soon!! xoxoxo

  4. Oh Theresa. What a nightmare you've been through. You and Hayden haven't left my heart since I heard the news last night, and all day I've been waiting in prayer to hear how he has been.

    What a relief to know that your sweet boy does not have HLH!Praise God!!! I know that he is still quite sick to still be in the hospital, so we will keep praying and praying until he home and his rambunctious self again.

    I cannot imagine the torment of a mother's heart knowing that what you live for is slipping away. We continue to unite our prayers to your family's suffering, but rejoice in the good news of Hayden's prognosis.

  5. So fantastic. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Yesterday whenever you came to mind (which was ALL the time!) I would say a prayer ... lots of Hail Mary's for you friend. And today when you come to mind (which is still ALL the time.) I sing the first verse to the song that goes "Praise God from whom all blessings flow ... " I think the kids are tired of it. :) But lots of prayers of thanksgiving today after a day and night of desperate pleading prayers. God is good ... he is so very good.

  6. My eyes are filled with tears as I write. God is so good in His mercy. There were many prayers storming the gates of Heaven...You have been through so much, Theresa...You are stronger and even more virtuous because of this. I will keep praying for Hayden and also that God will continue to pour His graces upon your entire family. Praise God! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

  7. I totally believe this is proof of the power of prayer. Never have I seen such an outpouring of prayers for someone so quickly, by so many, with such deep groaning of the spirit for one family. I knew God could use this to bring grace to your family, and He did in a big wonderful way.
