Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Fellow Blogging Mommy....

I have to pass this blog on. I don't think she'll mind. Heck, that's what this whole "mommy blogging" is about anyway.....supporting eachother. Sharing. Mallory is actually the little sister of a high school friend and she married one of my brother's childhood best friends. We go back. But I think we've found a kinship in the blogging world, parenthood, and faith. She is a fantastically REAL mom with 2 young boys. She loves her faith, her family, her husband, and her life. Mallory's blog is definitely one to take a peek at.

1 comment:

  1. Aww! Thanks! I appreciate the plug!

    And yes, I agree with the "kinship." It's amazing how once one gets older how people are drawn together by the simplest things. You clothe diaper, can, and have alpacas...which makes you my hero ;-) . I better keep you around.
