Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Just Be A Mom

All day yesterday my thoughts kept returning to this random thought about "just being a mom". I don't know where it came from and why it consumed my day, but it was rather wonderful and offered solice in moments of chaos and stress. Just be a mom. How great is that? To only have to worry about the happiness and wellbeing of your children. To have the one and only focus of your day be their growth, health, and smiles. To be completely available to whatever whim their curiousities met. What could possibly be more important than that?....laundry? dishes? naptime? a phone call? "mom time"? projects? deadlines? I'm not saying these things aren't important. They are and they are necessary tasks. But all too often I think we get consumed with fulfilling our tasks, staying busy, moving down the ever growing checklist, etc and we miss out on the most beautiful and innocent moments of our children's day. I have taken to stopping before answering any question with a decisive NO.....what is it I'm saying NO to? Can I stop for a moment and help? Can I drop what I'm doing for just a second and give Hayden that "big hug" he's asking for every 30 minutes? Why can't Yvette help me with the dishes or play with my hair? And Wyatt.....all he wants lately is to be in the action. How hard is that? We can make room. Life really isn't that hard. Most of the time what makes it hard is WE get in the way....WE get selfish. Life isn't that hard.....it is simple (and exhausting most days)....and beautiful.

I woke up and got John off to work this morning. I wanted to go back to sleep but got sucked into the computer instead. And I found this. Such a beautiful post.

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