Monday, March 22, 2010

Crazy For Cloth

We invested in cloth diapers with Hayden. When I say "invest", I mean it. At the time it was a hit of about $375 in one fell swoop. And that kinda hurts when you don't have much to begin with. But $375 got us 24 adjustable sized diapers. And those 24 diapers are now on baby #3. They've been stained, reinforced, and literally been through the ringer. But they are STILL in fantastic shape and are perfectly useable. With the cost of disposable diapers ranging anywhere from .20-.45 EACH, cloth diapering is most certainly a great economical and environmentally friendly way to go.

Top 10 Reasons To Cloth Diaper:
1. saves loads of money
2. so much softer on baby's bottom
3. environmentally friendly
4. cute
5. less garbage....less stink
6. supports local/small business owners
7. does NOT cater to societies "disposable" mentality. ;-)
8. it is EASY! and simple
9. no more diaper creams
10. husbands LOVE the fact it is easy on the pocketbook and quickly pays for itself.

*If you have any questions regarding cloth diapering please don't hesitate to ask. Or you can email me at tjback(at)charter(dot)net
*I have many friends who are cloth diapering junkies as well.......if you guys have any comments to add or tips to share please post!
*My favorite go-to site for cloth diapering is Cotton Babies. Also, I have a friend who makes fantastic diapers at reasonable prices:


  1. You taught me everything I know about CD-ing!!!!! Now I'm thrilled to share with everyone!!

  2. okay you have convinced me! I was thinking about this for a while! thanks so much for the info!

  3. Awesome!!! Another convert! Let me know if you have any questions. I am a strong strong strong supporter of and their BumGenuis diaper. LOVE EM! and everyone I know who uses LOVES THEM. and a lot of people I know try others that aren't so "high end" but end up reinvesting in BumGenius in the end. I'd go there.
    YAY! so excited!
