Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Summer Cuts

It was "shearing day" of the little boy kind today. The sun was out and the breeze was warm. Oh it was wonderful!!!

Bedding and diapers on the line. I have been waiting and waiting for this. I LOVE my clothesline.

And, of course, John decided it was time to start shaving down his own head to get ready for the summer. He likes to shave his head bald in the summer. Personally, I prefer him with some shaggy hair, but he wins in the warm weather. Starting now he goes shorter and shorter until we can count on continuously warm/hot days. Then he'll "bic it".

The boys caught on and decided it would be good to be like dad.

And earlier on in the day John took Yvette on a date that included a hair cut at the salon, lunch, and shoe shopping. Of course she was giddy about it and I wished I had pictures. Anyway, her cut trim...
A bit "wind blown" for this reason...
Do you see it? John thought it appropriate to  use the shopvac on low/reverse and blow off all the little hair off their backs. It was pretty funny. 
And that was our Tuesday, folks. It was a good one.


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