Monday, September 6, 2010

Homemade Yumminess

'Tis the season!!! As I'm taking inventory of canning supplies in preparation for some huge mass canning days coming up, I realized how short on jelly we were. And then I noted how many empty jelly jars we had. AND THEN, I went freezer diving to see if I find some buried fruit that needed to be jellied. I found blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries. Plus, in the cupboard I found 4 jars of grapejuice my mom canned last year. I then dug around to find some fruit pectin, canning lids, and LOTS of sugar. Needless to say, we have been replenishing our jelly stash.
*the juice I found.
*I got 2 batches out of the 4 pint jars. Not bad!
note: I know it is kinda a canning faux pas, but I reused some lids I had. In theory they should still be fine, but my mom always told me to use new lids. I thought I'd try to reuese them (*just once*) cuz I'm cheap like that. ;-)

*after 2 batches of grape jelly I was hooked. I then moved on to the blackberries. One batch yielded about 4 pints. Not as much as I'd hoped but I can't complain.

I am finding that canning/preserving is rather addicting. I actually dread it every year because it IS a lot of work and it seems never-ending, but once I get going on it and see all the fruits of our labors, it is hard to stop until there just isn't anything left to can. For those fellow canners out there, you know what I am talking about. There is something intensely satisfying in seeing a pantry chucked full of homemade yumminess. Homemade yumminess that isn't riddled with high fructose corn syrup, msg, preservatives, and God knows what else. Homemade yumminess that comes straight from the backyard garden. Homemade yumminess that I don't have to go out and buy for a very long long time.....hopefully it will all last until this time next year (though we usually do run out by June).

Well, HAPPY CANNING to all my fellow canners out there. You are in good company! And for all of you who are on the fence as to whether or not to try it, ..... go for it! It is so worth it.


  1. Don't slam the High Fructose Corn Syrup too may not be IN your food but it is what puts the food on your table right? lol

  2. yeah, can't be completely perfect, right?

  3. Hooray for jelly! We still have a little Jam and Jelly from last year, but might have just enough grapes this year for a batch. Great job on your canning Theresa ... it's nice to have you in the canning club. :)

  4. you really do inspire me. I want to learn how to do this! I missed the class I was supposed to take with Maria- she is naturally more domestic than me;)

    It makes perfect sense to can!

  5. Gram Nelson is giggling !!!

    Winter is going to taste so SO FINE !!!
