Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Over Abundance

I absolutely love this time of year! Love Love Love. And I can hardly express the satisfaction in "harvesting" especially with such amazing fruits. We've been so blessed with such an abundance of everything. There is definitely much more than what we need.

*pumpkins (if you want a pumpkin just stop by and take your pick). I'm hoping to try my hand a canning some of it. We'll see how that turns out.

*tomatoes...I get about 2 baskets full every couple days. And it doesn't seem to be letting up quite yet. I must say, the soil here is like the Fertile Crecent of the midwest. AWESOME!

*wood. Though we do have propane heating, last year we decided to try to go 100% wood using our woodstove with the livingroom. I am happy to say last year was a success. It did get a bit chilly upstairs, but everyone has warm footy jammies and down comforters to sleep with, so it wasn't too bad. This year we are more prepared with firewood aplenty. The neighboring farmer decided to plow down a whole tree barrier that separated 2 of his fields. He was going to burn everything but thought to offer it to us first. Needless to say we...or should I say John and my brother have their work cut out for them for quite some time. This should last us a while.

We haven't even begun to dig up our potatoes. We planted an insane amount of potatoes. So if anyone needs spuds....come on over!!!!....they a huge, yummy, and there is a whole TON to share.

Oh Happy September to everyone!!! favorite season of all!


  1. TEACH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This looks like heaven....

  2. I am actually in the process of putting together a simple "How To..." page for canning/preserving. It really is very very simple and once you get the hang of it, you can do anything!
    I may be heading back to Crosby next weekend. If you are around we can surely do a batch of something!....pumpkins, jelly, sauce, tomatoes....whatever needs to be done the soonest. Check your schedule and I'll check mine. We'll get you started on this in no time!!! ;-)
