Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rita - 3 months old

My babe is 3 months old today. She is such a happy baby and brings us all so much joy. Her brothers and sister absolutely LOVE having her around. Wyatt is her biggest fan. Yvette is anxious to dress her us. And Hayden - though in the beginning really didn't know what to think of her - has come to love her very dearly. They all  swarm around her to make sure she's happy and smiling.
We are truly blessed with such a good 4th baby. She eats well (as you can see). She sleeps 6 hours at a time at night (since 1 week old). And absolutely LOVES being outside - thank goodness for that because that's where we spend 90% of our day.
We love her beyond words and can't remember life without her.

We call her "Cheeks Backowski"......don't they just make you melt. And her dimple!!!!!! Oh MY. Her dimple......*sigh*


  1. Sweetness!!!! Happy 3months Rita Joan. Miss you so much and look forward to our next snuggle time. CHEEKS reign !! :)

  2. She's beautiful!!!! :) love the cheeks!!!!!
