Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Farm Excitement!

It has been quite a morning here on our little farm. We spent most of the morning inside playing games and reading books. I went outside at about 11:30 to check on water for the alpaca. All was normal and quiet. I went back inside to feed the kids. At 12:15 they wanted to go outside to play on the swing set. Almost seconds after going out Yvette comes running back in crying, "Mom! Mom! There is a big bad raccoon by the swing set."
We've never really had raccoons around here so I went out to see what she saw. Sure enough there was a raccoon up on his haunches staring at me. I shooed the kids into the house, grabbed my .22 and clip and headed back out. He was still where I saw him last. I found a good spot and fired. Dead.
I then checked the chicken coop to make sure they were all there. I know he was watching the coop. Check: all 6 there. Thank goodness.

While I as out I walked over to the alpaca pen to check water again and look what I found.....
Calibash had her baby! Baby was up and stumbling around....still wet and absolutely adorable! I ran in to tell the kids and we all went out to greet our newest arrival....

It's a GIRL! and she's beautiful. We thought it was a girl at first, but then got a better look. It's a BOY.

We have to decide on a name. Yvette wants to name her Philoniza. ??? Where she got that one, I have NO idea. Pretty sure it won't make the list.

One down. One to go.


  1. I SO love your style!!! Any woman who can grab a .22, shoot a varmint, discover new birth, and bring her own babies out to admire it all within the space of a few minute walk in their own yard is my kinda woman!

    1. Thanks Aunt Pat!!!! I feel quite accomplished today. ;-)

  2. Sheesh! You make me feel like a darn city-dweller. That is quite the morning. :)
