Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I know, it's been a while. I've been busy. No, not with baby....yet. Just nesting and resting and soaking up as much love-time as I can with my kids. Things are about to change in this house. The world is going to shift just a little bit more. Baby #4 is coming very soon. Sometimes I think it could be any day. And then I remember that I actually have about 2 weeks left and I've never gone early. So...it could be a little while yet. Although if you think about it.....tomorrow or 2 weeks from now, either way it is pretty darn soon. And so we continue to wait. Trying oh so hard to be patient.

There are lots of these going around Facebook lately. I like them. The ones that apply to me anyway. But this one really brought it home. I LOVE this one. And in light of all the politics going on, our own personal reality, and our growing family whom many people feel the need to comment (sometimes good sometimes not so good), I thought this appropriate to share.

NFP has been a fantastic tool in our marriage. A tool that has WORKED. Both in regards to postponing a pregnancy and in achieving. Not only that, but our marriage...our relationship...our communication has flourished because of it. I could go on and on about NFP. But I won't. I'll save that for another time when I am in the mood to skip onto a soapbox and explain. But today, I just want to share.



  1. I get so frustrated about so many comments about women needing birth control, etc.

  2. yay! you've updated me!! Having given up Facebook for lent I was desperate to find out if you'd had your baby yet and now I know that it's still a little while a way....but still during lent!!!! Make sure you post on here when that little one comes out into the world :) xxx
    ps I LOVE nfp, but indeed frustrated by all the misconceptions. People really need to study the basis and theory behind it. It does take some faith. :D
