Sunday, November 27, 2011

Brotherly Love

Yesterday I was going through some old pictures and found a file with pictures of Stephen. Hayden came over and started asking question. He knows Stephen. He doesn't remember him, but he recognizes him. He knows it's Uncle Steve. And Uncle Steve is Isabell and Abby's dad who died in a car crash. He also likes to remember a comment I made so long ago that I can't even remember exactly when I said it. But he keeps saying, "And Uncle Steve was your best buddy when you were growing up? And he was your brother too?..." Whenever Steve comes into conversation that comment is always made. It makes me smile. It's true. Stephen and I were very close....always.

And today Hayden has been especially attentive to Wyatt. I'd hear comments like, "Wyatt, your my little brother and we can be best friends, okay?" "Okay, Hayden." Wyatt would respond. It melts my heart to hear that. They played so nicely today....all day.

And then there is Fiona. We've come to sincerely love this gigantic 110lbs+ brutish dog.


  1. This post melted my heart like butter!! What a wonderful family you have!

  2. have a gift...such beautiful expressions with words that give us a glimpse into a life of faith and a heart of love! Thank You! P.S. have you posted the other "birthing stories"? I am awaiting them! God Bless, Laura Czarka
