Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday Sunday

Where the heck did the summer go? I mean really. These past 2 months have flown by and already we are in the thick of July in the heat of summer. Wow.

So yesterday John was working which leaves me with bringing the kids to mass alone. Yes, my oldest brother is living here and he has so graciously escorted us (when John is gone) to mass several weeks already, but I don't always want to assume he's willing to do that EVERY time John is not able to. After all, Sunday mass with 3 kids under 5 can be rather distracting and sometimes frustrating.
Anyway, normally we sit inside the church and force the kids to stay in the pew for the duration of mass unless there is a potty need or a meltdown. They usually do pretty good, except they are super squirmy. Not necessarily loud but squirmy. I decided that this week, since I am doing this on my own, that we'd sit in the back entrance area. It is large, has speakers so we can hear everything, and the the doorway is big enough to see right into the Church and be able to participate in the mass. Great. I thought I was doing everyone IN the church a favor by sitting in the back. You know, so we wouldn't be overly disruptive.

Not so.

The kids did well for over half the mass. Right after consecration, Hayden announces he needs to use the bathroom and ventured out by himself. That was okay. Wyatt and Yvette were chit-chatting in the corner not doing much of anything harmful. I turn to participate in the Our Father when the emergency light starts to blink, the doors close, and an incredibly loud buzzer goes off.

Yup, you got it.....

I turn around to find Wyatt and Yvette racing towards me. Yvette crying. Wyatt has a very sobering look about him. 3 people come racing out of the church with keys and a cell phone.
I was horrified. I was completely embarrassed. They caught it before the fire department came, thank goodness. And they were able to reset it on the spot, thank goodness. PLUS, the lady came over and gave me a hug and told me that it was okay, "it happens", don't worry about it. All I could say was "I'm so sorry. I'm just so sorry about this."

We left as soon as mass ended. I was so embarrassed. *sigh*

Wyatt pulled it. He fessed up in the van on the way home. And when we got home, the story changed...he blamed it on Colin. Seems he's already figured out how to pass the blame.

How can you punish a 2 year old for something like that? He has no idea what he did. Just that it was naughty.
And so OUR punishment is the embarrassment of it all.

I can't believe he pulled it. UGH.

Just when I thought I was doing everyone in the church a favor by sitting the back...

i just can't win.


  1. The best advice I ever got concerning squirmy kids at mass was from Fr. Ray. He said to bring them right up front! Not to mnd what others might think or say because JESUS loves the sound of children! So we did!!! Smack up near the altar & it worked! They were far more engaged! Did I ever have to scoot out the side?? You bet! With one VERY active little guy. You guessed it! That same kid that was so full of life...especially during Mass is now in his 13th year of seminary & has spent FAR more time in silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament than our entire family put together! So...the same little guy who pulled the fire alarm may one day be a HOLY priest!! P.s. ATP
    Loping for donuts on the way home was always a great treat!! Mrs.c

  2. Bummer! I hate to admit it, but I have always wanted to pull one of those suckers myself. ;) I'll live vicariously for a moment.. all the while feeling super sorry for you! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hey,

    As a pastor myself. I agree with the commentator above. If you are up front the kids can see what is going on up on the altar and be engaged. When a kid is in the back all they know is that they are being forced to be somewhere and listen to something that they can't see! An active and loud bunch of kids commentating on what they are seeing leads to a kid that is thinking and hopefully wondering about what it is they are seeing. If people who know their faith well have a problem with kids trying to learn about that faith then they need to read 1st Cor 8 or 6:7.

    God bless,


  4. Thank you Ryan.

    "When a kid is in the back all they know is that they are being forced to be somewhere and listen to something that they can't see!"

    Totally makes sense. I guess I just get a little nervous marching myself and the kids right to the front and then the distraction they may or may not be for everyone else. When John is with us we usually sit right in the middle. We haven't even tried the very front. I know you guys are right. I grew up in the front pew. We ought to just buck up and do it.
    Next ;-)

    Better yet, maybe I'll try a daily mass alone with the kids this week. Try the theory out.

    Yup. That's what I'm gonna do.

  5. That's awesome. Really. THIS would happen to me, and I can already tell what kid what kid would do it...

    I'm not laughing AT you, I'm laughing WITH you ;-)
